Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lucas' First Birthday

Saturday we had Lucas' first birthday party at the house. Since I had REALLY been procrasinating on getting us all settled, this was a way to kick my butt into gear. And of course, in total Kerri fashion, I waited until THE last minute. But, it got done and the party was a lot of fun.

I totally stressed myself out by insisting that I would make the cakes...AGAIN!! Why do I continue to do this to myself. I guess because the satisfaction of seeing how cool they turn out (and taste) at the end is a pretty neat feeling. I am still debating whether or not I will continue this "tradition" to Tyler's party this year. He wants a Lightning McQueen theme (imagine that) and I have a really cool idea for a neat cake, but they also have a very cool Lightning cupcake cake at our local grocery store, so I am torn. Perhaps I will make a cake for our celebration for his actual birthday and by the cupcake cake for his party. :)

The famous (or infamous) cakes!

He was going for the candle...I had to blow it out quickly!

At first he was very timid...

then...not so much!!

OK, so most of your probably know that I am a tiny bit OCD about keeping my kids clean (especially in their "good" clothes). So, you can probably imagine exactly what I am thinking right now!!

Yep...BATH TIME!! After he was finished devouring the cake, I decided we needed to take a quick "timeout" for a bath, he was SUCH a mess. :-)

"something to drink please."

He really enjoyed opening his gifts.

Of course his wonderful Big Brother Tyler helped us out.

All the kiddos.

Our little guy was SO tired at the end of the day. But, he was SUCH a trooper. I attempted to have him take an earlier nap in the morning, so that he would get a little bit of a rest prior to the party, but it was as if he knew it was his party day, because my normally great napper wanted nothing to do with taking a nap. He crashed hard after the guests left!

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