Saturday, May 30, 2009

Double Trouble

This is what happens when I try to make a telephone call when my children are not sleeping!

Tyler gives Lucas a makeover (hard to see here...but he's wear a teeny bit of lipstuck on his mouth and forehead).

But oh my...Tyler did the BEST job on himself!

And then proceeds to get stuck hanging on to the sink, while attempting to look at this beautiful work in the mirror!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Two Boys + Playtime = Disaster

I have two boys...I have always wanted two boys and I am loving every minute of it. Exhausting sometimes - Yes. But, I still wouldn't trade it for anything. I am learning though, that while boys are fun, they are also SO destructive. At least mine are!! Take for example, Tyler's train table. Tyler is ALL boy and loves anything with wheels, especially his CARS and his trains. He especially loves playing with both on his train table.

I think one of the phrases I hear most often in a day is "momma...can you fix the track". Or actually, this might be a close second to "NO LUKEY!" (we are still working on our nice, friendly, inside voice). Many times though...I am hearing "momma...can you fix the track", directly after having heard "NO LUKEY!" you can imagine that Lucas is often the responsible party in the destruction of the track.

But, what can I do, (aside from moving Lucas to another area of the playroom and giving him other toys to play with)? He is only 14 months old after-all, and just doesn't really understand it all yet. Besides, he just wants to be playing with his big brother, whom he absolutely ADORES (although, I'm beginning to wonder who adores whom, more).

So, even if it means me rebuilding the track (literally) 100 times a day (okay, maybe not THAT many...but it sure feels like it's every 5 minutes!), I still won't make Lucas leave Tyler alone, because all I really want is for them to become best buds and love playing with one another. Anyway, this is good practice for them both, right? Lucas is learning how to play and Tyler's learning how to play nicely.

This is the the track completely set up, with all trees, people and accessories we have!!

This is the remnants of my beautiful track, just about 10 minutes after putting it all together!!

Oh the joys of having two boys!! :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Potty Training Chronicles -- Curveballs

Oh. My. Tyler. I love this little boy, but I'm telling you...he IS the cause of the strange, very light colored hairs I am beginning to find. Hmmm...or maybe it's just time for me to visit Bri!

Just when I thought we could proclaim that our potty percentage was a thousand, he throws me another curve ball!! After 5 days of ZERO accidents and two overnights of 100% dry pull-ups (which had me talking of ditching the pull-ups completely), today was full of curve balls. I can't quite figure out what exactly was up with him, except that maybe today was just too easy of a day for him. The weather was very rainy and dreary today, so I was complacent to just stay put with the boys and play indoors in our basement (which still a disaster area. And every time I take them down there to play any little bit of progress I had made instead becomes floor decoration...I will have that basement organized by the end of this week!!).

I digress...So anyway, I guess maybe for the past five days we had been very busy and on a tight schedule, so I (or Nana, with whom he spent 2 of his dry days) was much better about reminding him if I realized he had gone a long time without using the potty. Because this kid can hold it. (and I really am so grateful that he can hold it so long, because I was rather fearful of what our frequent trips to WV would become with a potty trained child. Previously I could make it from door-to-door in just about 2 hours, but was sure that I would be adding an hour to that trip with frequent potty stops. And to further add stress to our trip, our route to WV isn't exactly littered with fast food restaurants or gas stations, so we could have very well been looking for a nice bush. So far though, he has been great in cars. This past weekend he took a trip with Nana and Pap to southern WV. I had planned on putting a pull-up on him for the trip, but he snuck into the car before I realized it and I completely forgot. When I called to check in on them several hours into the trip my Mom mentioned that they had stopped just a bit earlier for dinner and to use the potty. It was then that I realized he had been in his underwear that entire time. Oops...I am so thankful there were no accidents!! But, as great as he is at being able to hold it, when it does hit hits him fast!!

He is getting pretty adept at undressing himself to use the potty, but sometimes it is just not fast enough. I think that was our problem a couple of times today. He tried to go potty all by himself (without even telling me he was going!), but couldn't get himself undressed quickly enough.

Thankfully, he seems to have the #2's down. There are times when I can tell that he is thinking about it and I will remind him, but all-in-all, he is pretty good about making it to the potty.

I would LOVE to say that by three, we will no longer be purchasing pull-ups for Tyler, but we will have to wait and see where this journey takes us. Either way, I am still VERY proud of this little guy. Six weeks ago when we began this journey, I was certain that he was NEVER going to be potty trained and that I'd have to call his preschool director over the summer and tell her to give our spot to someone else. Now I look at my little boy and realize that he's not really that little just nine days, he will be three years old. And if you ask him...that means he is a Big Boy!! It is hard to believe that it has already been three years since this little guy joined our family. But I'll save that reminiscing for his birthday post! :)

At the end of the day though (or anytime, really) Tyler knows exactly how to make me smile and forgot about any and all frustrations!! Just one look at both of my little ones and I am quickly reminded of how lucky -- no, make that blessed, I am to be living this life!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tyler's Surprise

While the boys were with Nana and Pap this weekend (attending cousin Micah's first birthday party), we had planned on using the time sans kiddos to paint our powder room and to finally organize the toy room. But, after a few minutes of logical thinking, we decided maybe it was a better use of our time to paint the boys rooms. (That playroom is GOING to get organized this week, though). I had really ambitious ideas (as always) of finishing both Tyler and Lucas' rooms on Saturday. It was the perfect timing for this task, as we wouldn't have to worry about disrupting naps and bedtimes.

I set out taping the room. I enjoy painting, but REALLY dislike the taping. I like my lines to be super straight, so I end up getting very annoyed with the entire process just minutes into it, because I feel like the tape isn't perfectly straight. So, as was the case with the family room, I gave up with the taping and decided to freehand it. Yeah, I know...probably not the best idea since as I mentioned just a moment ago, I like my lines to be super straight. But, as is often the case, I was too stubborn and impatient to wait on husband to help me tape and I didn't do the best job. So...for the second coat, we decided we should tape, and it really did look som much better. As always, I was unsure of the color (even after living with the sample colors on his wall for several months), but am very pleased with the outcome.

My grandest ideas of getting both boys rooms finished were completely unrealistic, however. Each of them is to have a blue room with a red (for Tyler) and green (for Lucas) stripe running through the middle of the walls. I had thought that even if I could get just the blue walls finished, it would be easy to later go back and add the stripes. Well...we ended up finishing only Tyler's walls. Sorry, Lucas -- I promised we'll get your room next.

Tyler was SUPER surprised at the completion of his room. For the past three months he has been looking at two VERY large blue blobs on his wall (our sample colors to choose from). He knew he would eventually have a blue room, but we hadn't told him that he would be coming home to the blue room. He was really excited about it. And so was I. It is amazing how much painting a room changes the look of it. I think I need to plan for another time for Nana and Pap to take the boys so I can finish up my list of rooms. We already have the paint for Lucas' room, Master bed/bath, and Powder room but I think I'll be adding the boys bathrooms, the guest bathroom and study to that list as well...and maybe the playroom and living/dining room too. Wait...that's the whole house! Okay, sounds like a plan to me. :)

There are a few more details to add, including the red stripe, some kind of window treatments, and Tyler's name letters (which I still have not found since moving into this house) for above his bed. But, for are some pictures of the mostly finished room.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Fun Comparison of Ages: 1 Year

I love to compare pictures of the boys at the same ages, to see how much (or how little) they really look alike.

I can't believe how similar all of these poses turned out. I remembered some from Tyler's first birthday pictures (and we totally planned the football pose, so Daddy can have pictures of Lucas with a football in his office too), but most of these were pure luck!

Tyler will always be on the left in these series:

Birthday Pictures you know from my last post that I've been a tiny bit stressed out about getting pictures of the boys. I've tried several times and have had little success with getting a shot of them both. Finally...a decent one! But not taken by me. :(

I had hoped to be able to become victorious in the battle of the wills, but after many unsuccessful attempts, I broke down, took them out and let someone else take the pictures.

While I really liked some of the shots that I took of Lucas for his birthday (at the Cherry Blossom Trees and the ones of took of him in his diaper and birthday hat), I really wanted some more traditional ones (like we had done with Tyler and the #1 block). We also have a cute set of Tyler playing with a football from his one-year shots, and Daddy wanted Lucas to have a matching set, so that he could put them in his office. Instead of trying another harrowing shoot myself, I decided to have someone else to do the shooting this time.

It wasn't an easy time getting the pictures, but we got some decent ones. The hardest to get (as always), were the ones of both of them together and believe it or not, we ended up with only two choices!!! We just couldn't get Lucas to sit still even long enough to shoot the pictures. :-) He's a fast little bugger!

And, there some other cute ones:

Just to show you how he LOVES to make funny faces!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a really nice Mother's Day with my boys and my own mother. Ya'll know how much I love, LOVE pictures! So, of course on Mother's Day, what would I want more than a picture with my little loves? Well...that is much easier said than done, with these two on-the-go little boys! :-)

If I am behind the camera and I work hard enough, I can normally manage at least one picture of them both smiling and kind of looking at the camera. However, when I am in the almost never happens. We probably took close to 30 pictures and these were the best...yeah, pretty sad! Oh well, at least they are both in the picture, right?

"alright guys...look at daddy." at least they are both let's try for a smile!

Oh out of two isn't so bad. Maybe I can do some of my famous head-swapping and "pretend" like we actually got a good one. :-)

We also tried to get a picture with us and Nana, too.
After the 30 previous tries, we were short on patience. But, we got a decent one.

And a couple of just Nana and the boys...

Les isn't really a cook, but he wanted to make us a nice a friend name Wegman helped him out a little...they did a very nice job!

Thanks honey...for a very sweet Mother's Day!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Picture Perfect

...or almost. I have been trying SO hard to get a good picture of both the boys together. This is the best luck I have had so far. I really want to get to the point someday that I NEVER have to pay someone else to take pictures of the boys. It is a dream of mine to be a professional photographer someday. Even if I don't actually own my own studio, I'd like to be able to take professional quality pictures of our families and friends. Although, Lucas is becoming tough! It's not that he doesn't give up the smiles, because really, this kid is ALL smiles, almost all of the time. But, he is just SO on the move these days that I pose him and by the time I get set back up behind the camera and ready to snap the picture, here is no Lucas to even take a picture of. He is so stinkin' fast. And Tyler...well, I can normally bribe him easily enough to at least allow me to snap a few pictures...I just have to be ready and on my game, because he doesn't give up the smiles forever! Well, the smiles aren't really the problem as much as keeping him contained and giving me genuine smiles. They have been making silly faces in the mirrors at school lately and this is Tyler's new favorite game. I get a couple of good smiles and then he is on to making faces at me!

Lately my photo shoots have been really stressing me out, because I REALLY want a good picture of both of them to frame and hang in the house somewhere. We have finally gotten around to hanging some photos and I have been reminded of the fact that we missed out on the opportunity to have newborn pictures of Lucas taken. With him being born so early, we were a little hesistant to take him out to have these done early on, and then ended up waiting too long to have them done. This makes me sad not only because we don't have them for Lucas, but also because I DO have beautiful ones done for Tyler, but looking at them reminds me of the fact that I don't have them for Luke. So, I was hoping that having a really good picture of both of them would make me feel a little better about this. I am also hoping that during our beach trip this summer we can have some nice family beach photos taken.

Here are a few of the other photos taken during my little shoot. Tyler actually cooperated a little, and I did get a few cute ones of him by himself. Lucas, you ask?? Nope...he was too interested in trying to sneak down the hill to check out the pond. :)

Tyler found a caterpillar and let him crawl up on his hand.
But then, he got kind of freaked out by it!

He threw it and it landed on his shorts...if you look closely,
you can see it hanging from his left leg!

And, I just thought this was a sweet picture of them both.

OK, so that great elusive shot of the two of them is still out there...guess I'll just keep trying!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Potty Training Chronicles...Success this little guy just has a mind of his own (hmm...wonder who he gets that from?). Today was a SUPER potty training day, but I know, I know...can't get my hopes up, because as I just said, he does have a mind of his own and today's success BY NO WAY means that I'm throwing out (figuratively speaking anyway...)all the diapers and pull-ups. Tyler had not one, but TWO great successes!! After a tiny pee-pee accident (just didn't get the pants pulled down in time (he's still learning that part), I had stripped him down to get a new pair of undies. While upstairs, I hear him yell "Mommy, Mommy!", very frantically. Yep...I knew what this meant. "Yes, Tyler...", I call down the stairs. "Mommy, I poopied." "Umm...where?" I ask, with slight hesitation. "In the potty!!" he YELLS, very excitedly. I didn't believe it and ran down to see if it could possibly be true. Yep...there is was, actually in the potty. I truly couldn't believe it. And it wasn't one of his small attempts either. He actually went completely in the potty! Since it had been such a long time since he had done this for us, I had reposessed nearly all of his CARS. Normally, he only gets one car for each success, but because we were SO PROUD of him for doing this all by himself (he never even mentioned he needed to go), we gave them all back. As you can see...this made him very happy. Hopefully happy enough to remember to go poopy in the potty!

Later in the evening, we are again playing downstairs and all of the sudden he stops playing with his trains and announces he needs to go poopy, and starts running to the bathroom. This time he did have underwear on, but he was able to pull them, get on the potty and go down all by himself! I did have an accident to clean up though, as he was so concentrated on going poopy, that he forgot to aim down into the potty to go pee-pee!! Oh is a process, right? I have given up on the though of this happening quickly (yep, we are into our 5th week of potty training). Now, I'm just wondering if maybe we can get it down by the time he turns 3. I know...that is only 4 weeks away. So maybe my goal should be mid-summer, as we HAVE to have this mastered by September, in order to attend his new pre-school!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Growing Flowers...

OK, so anyone who knows me, knows that my thumb is NOT green! Seriously, I WANT my thumb to be just is not. I try, really I do...I nurture the plants and flowers I get as much as I can. I am actually now beginning to wonder if my "nurturing" is not what is killing my plants? There really can be no other explanation.

Around Easter time, I picked up a Hydrangea and a Gerbera Daisy plant. Well, just after Easter my daisy was looking very sickly, but my hydrangea was thriving. I was sad about the daisy, but so proud of my hydrangea. didn't last long. My hydrangea is nearly gone now too. Only one bloom left at this point. I'm doing some research to see if I can plant it outside, to try and revive it, but I am not too hopeful.

Anyway, so when finding a small "grow-your-own" sunflower kit in a birthday party goody bag, I was somewhat hesitant to attempt this project with Tyler. I mean, what if I kill it...he will be SO upset. But...we are trying. I'm SO hoping that I won't kill this little guy and that we actually will see a flower develop out of those little seeds. He will be so excited. He loved helping mommy plant it:

Tyler had a lot of fun helping plant the sunflower.
Dropping the soil disk into the pot.

Adding the water to "grow" the soil.

There's the seeds...let's hope we get a sprout!

So excited!

"Grow little sunflower, grow!"
Day 1 - May 5, 2009


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