Friday, December 08, 2006

I'm 1/2 a year old!!

So what's new this month? I guess the most exciting news is that Tyler is now eating solids. He has so far enjoyed rice cereal with apples, carrots, and sweet potatoes, and has loved them all. Atually, he seems to love the concept of eating. We had hoped to wait until he was 6 months old to introduce him to solids, but by 5 1/2 months he was practically begging to eat with us. So, after speaking to our pediatrician, he felt that 2 weeks earlier than 6 months wouldn't be harmful to Tyler. So, we bit the bullet and tried it out. And it went much better than we could have expected. No major fits or food fights, only Tyler reaching for the spoon to try and feed himself!!

He is also becoming more active and mobile. He is sitting all the time and reminds us frequently that he is a "big boy" now, when we try to lay him down. In restaurants he has outgrown his baby carrier and graduated to a high chair, so that he can feel more involved and see all the people. Boy does it make dinner much more enjoyable now that he feels like he is a part of the action. And he has finally decided that those rolls he took at 4 months were actually fun and is back to using that method to "get around". I'm afraid before we know it, he will be up on four and crawling or scooting around.

Santa brought Tyler his exercauser for Christmas, but felt that waiting until Christmas Day would be too long for him, because he could be getting some good use out of it he made a special trip to deliver it early. How nice that Mr. Santa Clause is. And boy does Tyler love it. He has always loved to try and stand and this allows him to do just that. As I said earlier, he feels like such a big boy.

I guess that's all our news for's hard to believe that next month I'll be reporting on our first Christmas with Tyler.


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