Saturday, September 19, 2009

Back to School

Tyler went back to school this week. Even though it is not his first year of school, it was his first week in his new school. Last year he attended a local enrichment center for more of a "mother's day out" program a couple of days/week. As far as programs for 2-year olds who are not potty trained goes, there are not a lot of options. His new school has a 2.5 year old program (if potty trained) but with a summer birthday Tyler missed the cut-off. We really wanted him to get a christian pre-school education, so we made the decision to switch him to this program this year. It is a bit more intensive than his "play" program from last year, but I think that will be good for him...or maybe not (seeing as how he likes to play SO much). We'll see. they use a great curriculum and work hard to give the kids plenty of outlets for their energies (which we all know Tyler has plenty of). :)

He was SUCH a big boy on his first day, and so excited to go to his new school.  There were NO tears at least not from Tyler. I on the other hand admit to being just a little bit sad. Not so much at the fact that he was in preschool, but more so because he didn't seem upset to be away from me AT ALL. I guess I should be proud of that fact though, as I would much rather see him enjoying himself than sad and upset each time we drop off. He has always been a VERY social little boy and has been exposed to many different environments since he was just a baby going to our church nursery.  Now, here's hoping that his socialness doesn't get him into to too much trouble in class.

Max wanted to wish him luck on his first day, too.

Such a big boy hanging his backpack on his own peg.
Finding his car...

and parking it to say "I'm here".

Ready to play...

With Mommy outside.  Too excited to sit still for even just a second.  Love his passion and excitement, but hope it doesn't get him into too much trouble.

With Daddy on Thursday before school.

We love you Tyler and are so proud of how brave you were this week.  Hope you have a great year and learn lots!


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