Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Meeting Santa

Well...don't you already know I want cars?? I though you knew everything!!

Lucas was VERY intrigued with Santa's beard.

We were so impressed that he didn't scream...
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Monday, December 08, 2008

Lucas - 8 months

Lucas is now 8 months old. He continues to eat like a champ, although he is still so small...comparatively speaking, that is. Tyler was just so big that it make Lucas feel that much smaller.

One afternoon while Tyler was outside enjoying playing in the leaves, I decided to let Lucas experience them too. He was so fascinated by the leaves...he really wanted to pick them up and taste them, though.

He continues to master sitting and he loves playing in his jumperoo. He is so expressive and much fun really. He is just like big brother, in that he plays hard...and then sleeps hard. I love the last picture...he simply wore himself out playing!!

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