Saturday, June 30, 2007

It really is magical...

Disney World, that is. Especially watching your child enjoy every minute. We know he is only one and will most likely never actually remember this trip, but seeing the excitement on his face and delight in his eyes while we were there is certainly enough to make it worth the while. In a normal situation we probably would never have dreamt of taking him to Disney World this summer at just 12 months old...but, when Les was sent to Orlando for a business conference and we had the opportunity to tag along, we thought "why not". At first we still weren't sure that we'd visit the parks, but once we arrived at the hotel and learned that we could purchase special discounted conference passes we thought it would be silly not to take advantage. So...we went to the Magic Kingdom. Here are some of our favorite pictures from the trip.

Hi Daddy...I'm just hangin' on for the ride

But really...I didn't mean to throw the Cheerios all over the floor...

Not sure about this Pluto character...

OK...Big Bear and Mr. Fox are alright.

And Minnie is so pretty!!

Me and Momma and Me and Dada waiting for the ferry to take us to the Magic Kingdom!!

The balloons were one of my favorite things...

Me and my friends, Tigger and Pooh!!

What'cha doin' Daddy??

It's Mickey Mouse...he's my favorite!!

Look at my Mickey Mouse Ears!!

The fireworks were so pretty...

Momma, Daddy and Tyler in front of the Castle

What a fun day...I'm beat!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tyler's 1!!

Well...our little baby is officially no longer a "baby"! Tyler turned 1 today. We are having a birthday party for him on Saturday, but still wanted to celebrate the day. We enjoyed a Gymboree class (one of Tyler's favorite things to do) earlier in the day, followed by some pictures, dinner and opening some presents. Of course he is just 1, so he probable doesn't really understand what this birthday stuff is...but he sure was excited to be opening his presents and seeing that he had new toys to play with. The ball pit was a big hit, as was his little bus (as you'll see below).

We saved the not-so-fun doctor's visit for tomorrow, so as not to ruin his actual birthday with yucky shots. We can't wait to see how much he has grown. Just in the past few days we seem to have noticed him sprouting right up. He's still not walking, but does very well standing on his own. We think he even amazes himself at that feat, as he'll catch himself not holding onto anything and almost "scare" himself. He immediately looks for something to hold onto or falls to the floor, as if to say "whoa...I can't do that!" And, he acts like he wants to take a step, but it just too hesitant. He does well if we are holding his hand or if he is pushing something.

He currently has 7 teeth almost fully in, with the 8th having just popped through last week. He is "talking" too. He says "dada", "mama", "ball", "duck", "touchdown", "cat" and "dog"...or at least utters sounds that we think are these words.

Enjoy the photos...and be sure to check back next week for photos from the party. You won't want to miss those special cake photos. I'm sure they will be LOTS of fun.


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