Thursday, May 28, 2009

Two Boys + Playtime = Disaster

I have two boys...I have always wanted two boys and I am loving every minute of it. Exhausting sometimes - Yes. But, I still wouldn't trade it for anything. I am learning though, that while boys are fun, they are also SO destructive. At least mine are!! Take for example, Tyler's train table. Tyler is ALL boy and loves anything with wheels, especially his CARS and his trains. He especially loves playing with both on his train table.

I think one of the phrases I hear most often in a day is "momma...can you fix the track". Or actually, this might be a close second to "NO LUKEY!" (we are still working on our nice, friendly, inside voice). Many times though...I am hearing "momma...can you fix the track", directly after having heard "NO LUKEY!" you can imagine that Lucas is often the responsible party in the destruction of the track.

But, what can I do, (aside from moving Lucas to another area of the playroom and giving him other toys to play with)? He is only 14 months old after-all, and just doesn't really understand it all yet. Besides, he just wants to be playing with his big brother, whom he absolutely ADORES (although, I'm beginning to wonder who adores whom, more).

So, even if it means me rebuilding the track (literally) 100 times a day (okay, maybe not THAT many...but it sure feels like it's every 5 minutes!), I still won't make Lucas leave Tyler alone, because all I really want is for them to become best buds and love playing with one another. Anyway, this is good practice for them both, right? Lucas is learning how to play and Tyler's learning how to play nicely.

This is the the track completely set up, with all trees, people and accessories we have!!

This is the remnants of my beautiful track, just about 10 minutes after putting it all together!!

Oh the joys of having two boys!! :)

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