Sunday, May 10, 2009

Picture Perfect

...or almost. I have been trying SO hard to get a good picture of both the boys together. This is the best luck I have had so far. I really want to get to the point someday that I NEVER have to pay someone else to take pictures of the boys. It is a dream of mine to be a professional photographer someday. Even if I don't actually own my own studio, I'd like to be able to take professional quality pictures of our families and friends. Although, Lucas is becoming tough! It's not that he doesn't give up the smiles, because really, this kid is ALL smiles, almost all of the time. But, he is just SO on the move these days that I pose him and by the time I get set back up behind the camera and ready to snap the picture, here is no Lucas to even take a picture of. He is so stinkin' fast. And Tyler...well, I can normally bribe him easily enough to at least allow me to snap a few pictures...I just have to be ready and on my game, because he doesn't give up the smiles forever! Well, the smiles aren't really the problem as much as keeping him contained and giving me genuine smiles. They have been making silly faces in the mirrors at school lately and this is Tyler's new favorite game. I get a couple of good smiles and then he is on to making faces at me!

Lately my photo shoots have been really stressing me out, because I REALLY want a good picture of both of them to frame and hang in the house somewhere. We have finally gotten around to hanging some photos and I have been reminded of the fact that we missed out on the opportunity to have newborn pictures of Lucas taken. With him being born so early, we were a little hesistant to take him out to have these done early on, and then ended up waiting too long to have them done. This makes me sad not only because we don't have them for Lucas, but also because I DO have beautiful ones done for Tyler, but looking at them reminds me of the fact that I don't have them for Luke. So, I was hoping that having a really good picture of both of them would make me feel a little better about this. I am also hoping that during our beach trip this summer we can have some nice family beach photos taken.

Here are a few of the other photos taken during my little shoot. Tyler actually cooperated a little, and I did get a few cute ones of him by himself. Lucas, you ask?? Nope...he was too interested in trying to sneak down the hill to check out the pond. :)

Tyler found a caterpillar and let him crawl up on his hand.
But then, he got kind of freaked out by it!

He threw it and it landed on his shorts...if you look closely,
you can see it hanging from his left leg!

And, I just thought this was a sweet picture of them both.

OK, so that great elusive shot of the two of them is still out there...guess I'll just keep trying!

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