Today was planned to be a trip to the zoo with the boys, and my parents, Nana and Pap. We were up, almost ready to go (I was putting the finishing touches on our picnic lunch) when I hear Tyler yelling "Mommy, you need to come wipe me off." Of course I assumed he was meaning to help him after having used the potty. WRONG!! Tyler had sneaked away to our bathroom and found my stash of finger nail polish. Being a curious three year old, you can only imagine where I'm going with this. Yes...he had brink pink finger nail polish covering about 90% of his leg, as well as huge spot on our bed.
Thirty minutes of scrubbing him down and one phone call to daddy later, we were packed up and ready to hit the zoo. (Daddy convinced me to have mercy on the little guy, because it was not fair to punish him for being curious and "accidents" like this will happen.)
I didn't have a chance to run and get my camera, because I didn't want him following me with painted legs...so I took a quick shot with the camera on my cell phone:

It was a great day at the zoo. I was worried that we may have packed up the kiddos and made the drive into the city for nothing though, we when got there and all of the parking lots were full. I had intended on being there MUCH earlier, but the little nail polish incident set me back quite a big. After driving to every lot and all the way to the top of the hill, we turned around and came all the way back down!! Finally, at the bottom, we lucked into a couple of people leaving as we were entering and we got a spot.
After watching the orangatans on the "O-Line" (this nifty rope that runs through the park and into their "think tank")...

we stopped at a picnic area to eat our lunch.

Tyler...studying his potato chips!

The mama and baby gorilla...do you see it there, right to the left of the mama? It was VERY cute. This was a favorite among Mommy, Nana and Pap!

Tyler though, preferred the elephants. This is the one exhibit he asked to go back to see a second time.

Mommy, Ty and Luke inside the Panda exhibit. I loved these, too! if you look closely, you can see the panda at the back (top, left) of the picture.

Tyler and Lucas, with Nana and Pap.

Tyler fell asleep after just a few minute in the car, but Lucas did not. He slept during our drive in, in the morning, and slept for about 5 minutes in the stroller walking through the zoo, but didn't get anywhere near his 4 hours of daily naptime!! He was barely able to keep his eyes open at dinner!

Aww sounds like fun!! Wish I could have been there.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kerri, Tyler and Lucas for a GREAT day! We will have to make this an annual trip!!! It is always fun to spend the day with a curious three year old and an always smiling and happy 14 month old!!! Can you tell we think our grandchildren are something special :-)
ReplyDeleteNana & Pap