We have had SUCH great success with Tyler's potty training recently. At the start of this journey I
Les thought it would be fun to set up a reward chart for Tyler, so he could see the progress he was making. The last accident he had came the day of his birthday party (June 13). The next day Les told Tyler if he went two weeks with no daytime accidents, that he could pick out a "prize". At first he had been saying he wanted a new Thomas track set, but a trip to Target reminded him of the "Tractor Tippin'" race track he had wanted. For the next week and a half, that is all we heard about. Every time he would use the potty he'd come running "I get Tractor Tippin'?". We'd have to remind him that he needed to fill up his chart, and when he did, we would take him to pick out his prize.
Yesterday Tyler finished his two week stretch...clean and dry for two weeks, even through naptimes!! Woo-hoo. He has even woken up dry from overnight a few times. It is so amazing that three months ago we were still in diapers about 90 percent of the time and now he is in big boy undies 90% of the time!! He was SO excited to be able to go to the store to buy Tractor Tippin' and bring it home to play with. It has been a huge hit!
We are on to reward chart #2, for Bolt, the movie. Because he is essentially potty trained (with the exception of nighttime, and that is something that they really have to grow into), we have decided that this chart is going to be a good behavior chart. I know, it's probably going to be hard to decide what exactly represents good behavior and I may have to narrow this down to something more specific, but I haven't yet decided what I want that to be, so for now...it's just good behavior. Last night and tonight he got stickers for doing a good job eating his dinner. This is something that we struggle with, with Tyler. Lucas, not so much! But Tyler is just SO busy that he hates to slow down long enough to actually eat a full dinner.
That is the most adorable picture of Tyler! I love what you did to make it old-fashioned looking too! Way to go Tyler!