I always love to think that I picked the bestest husband in the world, for myself. We are absolutely perfect for each other. Alike in enough ways to make us compatible, but different enough to make it interesting. And, in five years, we've learned what buttons not to push...although, we do sometimes...for fun, 'ya know? :)
But this post isn't about my wonderful husband (I'll save that post for our anniversary in a couple of weeks). This post is about how I lucked out in also finding the bestest father in the world for my kids. Those little boys ADORE their father, SO MUCH. From Tyler wanting Daddy to come home from work to "play with me" or the look on Lucas' face when he wakes up from his nap to find it's Daddy rescuing him from his crib, you can just tell how much they love their daddy. It is precious. And, as the boys get older and can do more "boy" stuff with their daddy, it just gets to be more and more fun!!
For father's day, we started the day with a breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes for Daddy and his minis.

Then the boys
Then proving that he is the bestest father and husband, we spent the afternoon shopping and running errands together. I LOVE that he loves to shop as much as I do!
We love you Daddy...thanks for being our bestest Daddy EVER!!
You got a great pic of him and the boys!! Too bad you couldnt do that with them as well!