Through perfect planning (OK, so maybe totally coincidentally), we were able to take Tyler for a ride on a "really big" train the day after his birthday. A nearby town was hosting a train festival...that's right an entire city block closed off and devoted to ALL THINGS TRAINS!! He was so mesmerized watching the train come down the track.
Tyler really enjoyed looking at all of the electric train exhibits (just like Grandad's). But hands down, the biggest hit of the day came when a big train pulled up to the station and we told Tyler to go ahead and get on!! With his ticket hand, he hopped onto the train and found an empty seat.
It was just a short trip (a few stops up the track and back) on the commuter train, but Tyler had SO much fun. He would go back and forth between Les and I, so that he could check out what was outside of each of the windows.
He loved the fact that there was a special place just for his very own cup (which was Thomas, of course).
He enjoyed it so much that as soon as we got off, he asked to go for another ride! And, he continued talking about riding the train again for at least another whole day! Daddy must have had fun, too...because he told Tyler that maybe someday we could take a trip on a train!
Lucas had fun too, but being in the "I have to know and see and touch everything" stage, he was a little difficult to contain. He really wanted to be down on the floor exploring! It was a pretty clean train, but my somewhat OCD self could not allow him to dust their floors with his hands and knees. Since we obviously could not take our stroller or a car seat on the train with us, it was a long 45 minutes trying to keep him entertained.
We can't wait for next summer's festival. With Lucas being two, and able to walk and talk, it's sure to be a blast!!
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