I remember that night and the following day...days as if they were yesterday. (Some may question if this is really true, considering for the past three years, I have had a very good case of "mommy brain". But "mommy brain" doesn't seem to extend to the memories of one's children.) Nope...I can remember those days as clear as they could possibly be. Days filled with excitement, diapers, fears, lots of pictures, hopes, visits to visit Denny (our wonderful lactation consultant) dreams, more diapers and possibilities. Nights filled sleeping sitting up, to hold a tiny Tyler affected by acid-reflux. How is it possible that it has been three years since we became this absolutely wonderful and blessed journey of parenthood??
After an uneventful pregnancy and an easy labor (relatively speaking...as easy as labor can go, I mean), I have to admit that I was a little fearful of what bringing a baby home would be like. Well, those fears were completely unwarranted. Aside from acid reflux and some early nursing issues, we were SO blessed with a wonderful, easy going baby. Sleeping 6 straight hours the night we brought him home from the hospital (yes, I was blessed with sleeping babies...he is 3 and still gives me a good 2.5-3 hour nap daily!) and through the night by six weeks really helps a babies demeanor. He was always so happy and pleasant. He was such a joy that by 10 months we were talking about baby #2 and by the time he was 14 months old, Tyler was on his way to becoming a big brother!!
And while we have had our shares of ups (learning to walk and talk) and downs (learning the word "no" and numerous busted eyes, lips and noses) through the past three years, nothing has been more wonderful than watching Tyler grow! I thank God every day for the blessing of becoming parents (to both our wonderful little boys!).
So, here we are wishing Tyler a Happy 3rd Birthday today!?! The thought of three has been hard for me. Harder than two, or one even. One was bittersweet. Bitter for the fact that my baby was a whole year old (not four months or 11 months), but 1!! But, also fun for me, because it was amazing to watch him learn and grow. Two years old was very much the same. He was beginning to become a big boy, but if I looked closely enough, I could still see the baby in his face.
Now, at three years old...he's not a baby anymore. He's a little boy. No more diapers (and barely any more pull-ups), no more paci's, no more bottles (he does still have blanky, and I'll probably really lose it when he gives blankey up)...he even wants to drink out of "mommy and daddy" cups. I'm beginning to hear "No Mommy, I can do it" gradually replace the utterings of "Mommy, help me please". My little dependant baby, is becoming an independent little boy. And while it really is such a blessing to be able to watch him learn and grow, each new challenge met, means one step further from being my little baby.

We love you Tyler, our little boy!! Happy Birthday.
It is nice to see that even though you are a SAHM to your two little boys, you are still using your chosen profession (journalism). Your writing skills have not been affected by what you call "Mommy brain". This is an absolute lovley tribute to your first born, Tyler. I too had large (very large to be exact) teardrops also blurring my vision while reading your tribute bringing back many, many memories of the past three years. We are so blessed to have Tyler in our lives as he brings a smile to our faces each and every day -- thank you Kerri and Les for bringing him into our lives (Lucas too, of course).
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