Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mothers Day 2011 | Blessed

My little boy is growing up.  I can barely believe this is my 5th Mother's Day.  Wait, is that right?  2007 (Tyler - 11 months) 2008 (Tyler - 23 months & Lucas - 1 month), 2009 (Tyler - almost 3, Lucas 1), 2010 (Tyler - almost 4, Lucas 2, pregnant with Kate), 2011 (Tyler - almost 5, Lucas - 3, Kate - 9 months).  Yep...5th Mother's Day and three kiddos.  Wow - I'm so blessed.  :) 

This year Mother's Day was extra special for several reasons.  One being the Mother's Day Tea that preschool class hosted.  Beautiful places settings with handmade goodies...

 tea served from a tea pot, delicious tea sandwiches and pastries and adorable 4 and 5 year olds singing songs to their mommies.

It was so incredibly precious.  I hope I NEVER forget that moment.  I can't believe my little man is almost 5.  He's growing so fast.  The second thing that made this mother's day a little bit more special was having had a daughter this past year.  As much as I tried to convince myself that having had a third boy would have been okay, I can't get over how much I LOVE having a daughter.  This is absolutely NOT to say that I'm not so grateful for having my boys -- I definitely am.  But I'm so glad I have the opportunity to be a mom to  sons and a daughter.  I'm so happy that I get to experience both, because I am SURE there will be moments shared and memories made with Kate that would just NOT happen as a mom to only sons.  Moments such as celebrating Mother's Day with her, as I have with my own mom the past few years, when we have gone to have a girls day out with mani/pedi's.  I'm so excited for the year when we take Kate with us for the first time.  


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