Anyway, so this year we decided it was time to take the boys to their first "Big League" game. We knew that Tyler was definitely ready for the experience, but were a little unsure of what Lucas' interest level would be. He very much surprised us!
We were fully prepared to make it just a few short innings and say "we tried". Being a little shy of 17 months old, we figured this might be a stretch for Luke. Especially being an evening game, not starting until 7:30 pm (and bedtime is normally a little after 8). But, we don't want to not try these fun experiences with Tyler simply because it might become a disaster, with Lucas. That is not fair to Tyler. We ended up nearly making it through the entire game, leaving just after the 7th inning stretch. Now, this is not to say that it was an EASY time. It definitely was NOT. Having recently become very mobile (walking), Lucas really wanted to be down exploring, so we spent LOTS of time passing him between Mom, Dad and Aunt Jenn (who came with us, and who's extra two arms, and purse, came in very handy)...but unfortunately for Les (as it was very hot and humid), Lucas seemed to want to be a Daddy's boy, again!
Actually, I would have to say that the train ride was the worst part of the evening. It was nice to not have to worry about parking or to fight all of the traffic, but it was SO VERY hard to keep Lucas entertained on our laps for the almost one hour train ride into town and out! Tyler on the other hand, LOVED it...he's been asking to do this all summer long. Maybe we will drive next time...or maybe we will try the stroller.
Luke may not have had much understanding of the baseball that was being played, but he was working hard on becoming an expert on ball park food, sampling everything from chicken fingers and fries, to M&Ms, cotton candy and lemonade (and probably a few other things that I've forgotten about)! :) Keeping his snack cup filled seems to be the key to keeping this little guy happy. Come on though...shouldn't he be growing...he out eats his brother, for goodness sake.
I decided not to take my purse to the game, since we were riding the metro in and I knew I'd be carrying one of two boys (as we opted to leave the stroller in the car). Well, thank goodness Jenn took hers, because I ran out of room in the camera bag quickly. Her purse became the "mommy purse", I'm not sure we could have fit one more item in it!! Oh look, I guess he had some Cracker Jacks, too.
I think Tyler really enjoyed the experience and atmosphere of the big ball park. The one thing he was very confused about was why he didn't get to go play on the big field, too. We told him to keep practicing and that we'd love to be coming back here in 20 years, to watch him play on the big field.
All-in-all, it was a really good time and even though we were completely exhausted upon getting back to our car, I am so glad that were brave enough to attempt it. And it must not have been all that bad, because we have now decided to take Tyler and maybe Lucas to a WVU football game this year.
Thanks to the fact that my sister was along (who is also just as photo obsessed as I am....must be a family thing) I actually have some pictures with me in them! They aren't the greatest shots of the boys, in fact I am the only one looking at the camera in the first shot. But, these days I just accept that fact that I've got two little boys with minds of their own, so being in a shot with them is good enough for me. :)
And here's a self-taken portrait of Jenn and I.
The hard work of it all was so worth it in the end, as we now have a great memory of the boys being at their first big league game together.