The first two practices were a little hairy, so we weren't sure what to expect on Saturday. It could have gone much like practices where he sat on the sidelines and watched, b/c he didn't think he could do it like the coach wanted, or he could have not wanted to get off of the field. Care to guess which one? It was a little of both actually. Here he was mad that he wasn't in...but later on he was sitting with me upset, b/c he didn't think he was doing well enough! But honestly, for the first time participating in a structured sporting event, he did pretty well.
Here they are in is giving them the run-down on rules of the game. I mean really, with just two practices under our belt, this could be interesting. Luckily this is a U5 team, so a few of the kids have played a couple of seasons already.
Hoping he remembers he can't touch the ball with his hands.
It's ok to use your head though!
Here they are pointing to their goal. Not that it helped much...each team scored at least one goal for the other team. One thing I really appreciated about the league is that for the U5, they do have referees to help them learn the rules of the game, but they do not actually keep "score". So, there is no real winner or loser at the end. Helps to not defeat the kids spirits at such a young age, I think.
Tyler's first goal...he did a great job kicking it down field and into the goal!This little one couldn't quite remember that you can't touch the ball with your hands! :) She tried to pick it up and run with it, each time she got close to it.
Kate, hanging out with daddy, enjoying the game. Too soon baby girl, it will be your turn...and with two older brothers to teach you all about the game, I bet you're gonna be an awesome soccer chick!
Look at that form! Ready...