OK...so this little guy just has a mind of his own (hmm...wonder who he gets that from?). Today was a SUPER potty training day, but I know, I know...can't get my hopes up, because as I just said, he does have a mind of his own and today's success BY NO WAY means that I'm throwing out (figuratively speaking anyway...)all the diapers and pull-ups.
But...today Tyler had not one, but TWO great successes!! After a tiny pee-pee accident (just

didn't get the pants pulled down in time (he's still learning that part), I had stripped him down to get a new pair of undies. While upstairs, I hear him yell "Mommy, Mommy!", very frantically. Yep...I knew what this meant. "Yes, Tyler...", I call down the stairs. "Mommy, I poopied." "Umm...where?" I ask, with slight hesitation. "In the potty!!" he YELLS, very excitedly. I didn't believe it and ran down to see if it could possibly be true. Yep...there is was, actually in the potty. I truly couldn't believe it. And it wasn't one of his small attempts either. He actually
went completely in the potty! Since it had been such a long time since he had done this for us, I had reposessed nearly all of his CARS. Normally, he only gets one car for each success, but because we were SO PROUD of him for doing this all by himself (he never even mentioned he needed to go), we gave them all back. As you can see...this made him very happy. Hopefully happy enough to remember to go poopy in the potty!
Later in the evening, we are again playing downstairs and all of the sudden he stops playing with his trains and announces he needs to go poopy, and starts running to the bathroom. This time he did have underwear on, but he was able to pull them, get on the potty and go down all by himself! I did have an accident to clean up though, as he was so concentrated on going poopy, that he forgot to aim down into the potty to go pee-pee!! Oh well...it is a process, right? I have given up on the though of this happening quickly (yep, we are into our 5th week of potty training). Now, I'm just wondering if maybe we can get it down by the time he turns 3. I know...that is only 4 weeks away. So maybe my goal should be mid-summer, as we HAVE to have this mastered by September, in order to attend his new pre-school!
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