Oh. My. Tyler. I love this little boy, but I'm telling you...he IS the cause of the strange, very light colored hairs I am beginning to find. Hmmm...or maybe it's just time for me to visit Bri!
Just when I thought we could proclaim that our potty percentage was a thousand, he throws me another curve ball!! After 5 days of ZERO accidents and two overnights of 100% dry pull-ups (which had me talking of ditching the pull-ups completely), today was full of curve balls. I can't quite figure out what exactly was up with him, except that maybe today was just
too easy of a day for him. The weather was very rainy and dreary today, so I was complacent to just stay put with the boys and play indoors in our basement (which yes...is still a disaster area. And every time I take them down there to play any little bit of progress I
had made instead becomes floor decoration...I
will have that basement organized by the end of this week!!).
I digress...So anyway, I guess maybe for the past five days we had been very busy and on a tight schedule, so I (or Nana, with whom he spent 2 of his dry days) was much better about reminding him if I realized he had gone a long time without using the potty. Because this kid can hold it. (and I really am so grateful that he can hold it so long, because I was rather fearful of what our frequent trips to WV would become with a potty trained child. Previously I could make it from door-to-door in just about 2 hours, but was sure that I would be adding an hour to that trip with frequent potty stops. And to further add stress to our trip, our route to WV isn't exactly littered with fast food restaurants or gas stations, so we could have very well been looking for a nice bush. So far though, he has been great in cars. This past weekend he took a trip with Nana and Pap to southern WV. I had planned on putting a pull-up on him for the trip, but he snuck into the car before I realized it and I completely forgot. When I called to check in on them several hours into the trip my Mom mentioned that they had stopped just a bit earlier for dinner and to use the potty. It was then that I realized he had been in his underwear that entire time. Oops...I am so thankful there were no accidents!! But, as great as he is at being able to hold it, when it does hit him...it hits him fast!!
He is getting pretty adept at undressing himself to use the potty, but sometimes it is just not fast enough. I think that was our problem a couple of times today. He tried to go potty all by himself (without even telling me he was going!), but couldn't get himself undressed quickly enough.
Thankfully, he seems to have the #2's down. There are times when I can tell that he is thinking about it and I will remind him, but all-in-all, he is pretty good about making it to the potty.

I would LOVE to say that by three, we will no longer be purchasing pull-ups for Tyler, but we will have to wait and see where this journey takes us. Either way, I am still VERY proud of this little guy. Six weeks ago when we began this journey, I was certain that he was NEVER going to be potty trained and that I'd have to call his preschool director over the summer and tell her to give our spot to someone else. Now I look at my little boy and realize that he's not really
that little anymore...in just nine days, he will be three years old. And if you ask him...that means he is a Big Boy!! It is hard to believe that it has already been
three years since this little guy joined our family. But I'll save that reminiscing for his birthday post! :)
At the end of the day though (or anytime, really) Tyler knows exactly how to make me smile and forgot about any and all frustrations!! Just one look at both of my little ones and I am quickly reminded of how lucky -- no, make that blessed, I am to be living this life!!