Thursday, March 26, 2009

Eating it up...

Oh my little eating machine is back. For the first 18 months of his life, Tyler was a GREAT eater. However, he then turned VERY picky on me and it seems like we've gone for a year, with a VERY limited diet (can anyone say PB&J?). This kid wouldn't even eat chicken nuggets. What kid doesn't eat chicken nuggets??

I have tried hard to attempt to have him eat whatever I have prepared for dinner. Most nights this is a terrible battle of wills, with the two year old winning (I can't very well put him to bed hungry, can I?) and him eating his second (or sometimes third) PB&J for the day!

Last week...a breakthrough! Yes...I couldn't believe it, I put a plate of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans in front of him. At first he kind of looked at me with the same look of "do you really think I am going to eat this". I asked him to "just try" it and was quite surprised when he obliged. And even more surprised when he swallowed it!! YES...success. I honestly thought, okay he took one bite, swallowed it and that would be it. But, with a little encouragement (and maybe a small bribe of a treat to come...) he ate the entire plate.

I never dreamed he would eat the entire plate of food, and honestly thought it was a fluke when he did, so I didn't even think to take pictures of that meal. But, for the next several days (actually, since that meal) he has proceed to eat wonderfully for us!! In fact, I can't even remember the last time I've made a PB&J for him!!

So, lesson learned, persistence pays off. I guess I need to keep this in mind as I am sure to enter this phase again with little brother Lucas. Maybe...hopefully...Tyler will be a good example and Lucas will want to be just like him! :)

Lucas recently found where his snacks are stores and brought these (his puffs)!

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