Easter was SO much fun this year. In my home growing up, the Easter Bunny never hid our baskets, or eggs. But, he did in my husband's home, so this is a tradition we were hoping the Easter Bunny would pass along to our kids. The past two Easter's Tyler was a little too small to really understand it, so the Easter Bunny left his basket in plain sight. Not this year though. In fact this year, he had two baskets to hid.
It was SO cute to watch Tyler scurry through the house looking for the baskets. He found Lucas' first, and his shortly after. Then, it was off to look for the missing eggs.
Have I mentioned how hard it is to take a picture with a nearly 3 year old and a 1 year old? This was the best of probably a dozen tries...and guess what, it was the first shot!!

Taking a break for some candy.

Checking out his loot with Daddy.

The baskets.
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