has been a busy month for our little guy. It just seems like all the lights went on at one time and he is no longer a little baby. He has mastered sitting and is now VERY mobile. It's not exactly crawling, but the little guy can get wherever he wants (and very fast I might add), by scooting or doing the army crawl. He is also up on all fours doing the rocking. He has started the motion of crawling, but just hasn't perfected the coordination of it all yet and ends up on his belly before he can really get going. What perfect time for him to learn how to get away from me...just as we are about to move into our new house. I guess it's off to Babies "R" Us for the endless quest of babyproofing!!
He was such a great age for Christmas...still a little too young to really understand it all, but loved the lights and decorations. His favorite was our tree. He would do whatever he could to get close enough to touch it.

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