Friday, September 19, 2008

So Big...

I have to say it was very hard for me to imagine these words used to describe my pint-ful of love five months ago. What - five months...really, or is this my mommy brain messing with me? Hmm...April, May, June, July, August - September. Yes, F-I-V-E Months!! I truly cannot believe it. Quick update on the little (or not so little) one:

We'll do this in a then and now format to make it more fun!


Date: 04.06.08/09.18.08
Weight: 5.3 pounds/13.5 pounds
Length: 19.25 inches/ 24.5 inches


Lucas - 2 weeks

Lucas - 5 months

Other fun facts:

Lucas is such a mild and wonderful baby. This is nothing new - ever since his days in the NICU, when the nurses were amazed that he could sleep through the wails of the little girls who were there, he's been a calm and happy.

Like his big brother, he is a SLEEPER. This little guy can sleep like a champ. He naps twice a day (sometimes three) and rarely wakes during the night. This probably has a lot to do with how happy he always is...I imagine I'd be in a constant happy place too, if I slept as much as he does!! Save being hungry or a VERY poopy diaper, this kid doesn't complain about much of anything.

He is now rolling over in both directions and can scootch himself all over the place. If we lay him on his play mat facing something he doesn't want to look at, he simply works at scooching, until he is facing what he wants to look at...sometimes almost in a full circle.

I guess that about all the news we have for now...

See, you next month!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Random Pics

Here are a few random pics to enjoy...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Tyler's First Day of School!!

Tyler had his first day of preschool on Monday and LOVED it. His teacher's said he did wonderful. In fact, upon handing him over to his teacher on Friday he looked at me and said "see 'ya Mom!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm the Big Brother!

Tyler is fully embracing the role as Big Brother and LOVES his little "Lukey" SO much. He shares and keeps watch over the little guy. He even wanted to help Mommy give Luke a bath.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Lucas Five Months

So here we are, summer is over and Lucas is already five months old. We had an exciting month, taking another small beach trip, and enjoying the remainder of our summer. Lucas is such a happy baby. We are so lucky!! He really wants to sit up on his own, but just doesn't have the strength quite yet. However, he can sit for a short amount of time supported with the Boppy. He really loves seeing things from this new perspective.

Enjoy the photos!!

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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Little lookalikes?

What do you think?

Tyler 2 months, Lucas 4 1/2 months

Tyler 6 months, Lucas 5 months


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