Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lucas 2 1/2 Months

Kerri got some photography toys for her birthday, so this is her first attempt at portraits of the boys. Lucas is a much easier subject since he is still not mobile. :-)

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Two's

Hello All,

This marks a special month as Tyler just celebrated his second birthday, while Lucas is now two months old and boy what a difference a month made for that little guy. Just a month ago on Mother's Day we took some family pictures (as you'll see below). At that time we thought Lucas had grown SO much, but looking back, he still looked SO tiny compared to the full and chubby cheeks he has now. Somewhere in the middle of this last month he hit a major growth spurt, outgrowing his preemie clothes just from one day to the next it seemed. Also around 7 weeks he became mobile - yes, that's what I said - rolling from his tummy to his back. We thought this might have been a fluke and we wouldn't see this feat again for a couple of months, but he is still amazing us. We do think though, that possibly the fact that he is still kind of tiny may have something to do with this, as he only has about 9 pounds to flip over, and perhaps this trick will disappear as he continues to grow. However, he does seem very strong and loves to practice his push-ups during tummy time. He continues to sleep well, waking us (haha, Mommy) only once each night. Mommy was spoiled with Tyler, who was sleeping through the night at 6 weeks, but she realizes that Lucas' tummy just isn't quite big enough to hold enough to fill him up for the entire night quite yet (Tyler weighed nearly 13 pounds by this time!)...and really, she enjoys that quiet feeding. With Big Brother Tyler around, there aren't too many other opportunities for that quiet time with Lucas.

Now for Tyler...he is such a fantastic Big Brother. We couldn't be happier with his adjustment. He really adores his "baby" brother. Baby is in quotes, because for now this seems to be Tyler's favorite choice of names for Lucas. If not "baby", then we do get a "lukey" every now and then. And just in the past week, actually his birthday, Tyler has finally began referring to himself as "Tyler". Whereas he used to point at pictures of himself and say "baby", he now says "it's Tyler". It is so cute. We are just amazed at how well he communicates with us and how much he understands - sometimes, too much. :-) In fact, we have actually begun to s-p-e-l-l out some words when we don't want him to know what we are talking about.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Tyler's 2!!

Wow...we can't believe it's been two years already. They have certainly gone by quickly, probably because they have been SO much fun! He is growing so fast and showing us new talents and tricks every day. His vocabulary amazes us at times...reminding us to be careful of what we say. We have even begun to s-p-e-l-l words out!!


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