So...I have to say that I cannot believe it's time to start thinking about Tyler's first birthday. The past 10 months with him have been so amazing. This month has again brought many smiles to our faces and many "did he really just do that" moments, as well as his Tyler's first wagon ride and trips to the zoo and beach. Of course the ocean wasn't quite warm enough to take a dip in, but he did have his first experience with sand. After a few minutes of trepidation (from the sound of the ocean I think), he decided "this stuff is pretty neat!".
The little guy wants to talk so badly...he just babbles on and on as if we know exactly what he is saying, while we smile and talk right back (all the while wondering "what in the world is he thinking about"and does he really understand us?). He is walking with his walk-behind car now, and can go pretty far before he decides he's had enough, drops to his bottom and takes off crawling (since that method of movement gets him to his final destination MUCH quicker. He's a little speed racer when he crawls!), and as of last night has figured out how to climb our stairs (I guess we can't put off the gates any longer, huh?).
He is also loving life with the animals. In fact, chasing after the kitty was his main motivation in determining how to climb the stairs last night. As he got closer, the kitty would move further up the stairs and Tyler went right on up as well. Every now and then he'd turn around and see how far up he was, but that didn't seem to frighten him at all, because he'd turn right around and keep going. Maybe the fact that daddy was right behind him gave him some piece of mind, but I'm afraid we've got a little dare devil on our hands!