It's not exactly crawling, but Tyler has instead chosen scooting as his preferred method of mobility...and appropriately enough since "Scooter" is one of the many nicknames daddy gave him many months ago. In fact, he was demonstrating his ability to scoot at just weeks old, when he would try to scoot himself up daddy's belly, closer to his face.
He has also mastered going from lying on his back or belly to a sitting position. This was a feat we were not completely expecting. Imagine our surprise when we woke to find him sitting in his crib playing!!
And finally, he is desperately trying to stand and even take steps. He will try to pull himself up on whatever he can find. We have to keep a hand close by for the moment he gets tired and just drops to the floor, but he really does a good job.
He also likes to stand with the assistance of his walk-behind push cart. He understands the concept of pushing it and the fact that he is supposed to take steps behind it. However, he sometimes pushes just a bit too far and has to be caught by mom or dad.
After months of only slight interest in moving around, he seems to be giving in to his exploratory nature all at once. Watch out I come!!
He has also taken a strong liking to Cheerios...and he is a master at shoveling them in, as fast as they appear in his sight. In fact, we have to limit how many are within his reach, because he is a stuffer and will shove as many in as he can. But boy does he love them. I joking asked Les one night if too many Cheerios were harmful to a baby, because he loves them so much.
Lastly, we are very much enjoying his jabbering. Daddy especially, as we have frequently been hearing "dadadada" coming out of his little mouth. Since I can't capture that in a shot for you, I've posted his 7 month pictures instead.
This has definitely been a very exciting month for us, and we are looking forward to everything that Tyler is about to discover and show us he can do. Until next month...