Hello all!! Well, Tyler proved to us that he is mobile on Oct. 3, just 2 days shy of his 4 month birthday, by rolling from his tummy to his back 3 times. But...I guess it wasn't all that fun to him, because he has yet to do it since then. I think he is now determined to figure out how to go from his back to his belly, as he spends alot of time practicing that feat. He is great at getting over onto his side, but just can't get that last kick in, to go onto the tummy. His shoulder proves to be a bit of a "roadblock". He has also fully discovered his hands and feet, and loves to chew on both.
We also think that he is in full teething mode. Just today he showed us how uncomfortable he is, by crying for about 40 minutes. This coming from a kid who doesn't cry unless he is seriously hungry or uncomfortable. When peering into his little mouth, we can definitely see two little "white mountains" in there. Here's hoping that they break through soon, so our little man doesn't have to endure that pain much longer.
He had his 4 month well visit today, including his 4-month vaccinations. He certainly did not enjoy those initial pricks of the needle, but after he realized the pain didn't last long, he calmed down. It must have worn him out though, because he has been down for his nap since 11:30...it's now 2:45. I should think he will be waking up any minute starving. We shall see!! He weighed 15 pounds 10 ounces and was 26.25 inches tall. He had a major growth spurt in height over the past 2 months...sprouting up more than 3 inches.
He has changed so much from when he was first born. Most people still say he looks just like Les, but I have heard from a few folks that they think he's beginning to look a little like me. What do you think??

Tyler will be a lil' lion for halloween, so be sure to check back next month for those pictures!!
4 Month Pictures