So, Tyler is 2 months old. This was another busy month. When Tyler was 6 weeks old, we took our first trip with him on an airplane. Les was going to be in the DC area for work, so we decided it would be a good opportunity for Tyler and I to tag along, and for Tyler to meet all those he had yet to meet on the east coast...especially Grandaddy Liston and Aunt Jenn. We also were able to meet up with most of our good friends.
At his two month check, he weighed in at just shy of 13 lbs and was 22 inches long. Tyler got his first shots and was a champ. I think it startled him a little, but there were only 3 sticks
and he was okay after a few minutes. The biggest surprise has been that at 2 months, our little man is already beginning to teethe. That's right!! I mentioned the fact that he was blowing lots of bubbles, drooling alot and chewing on his hands. She looked inside and said she could see where the first two were going to come in, and that he was already swollen. So, we shall see how long it actually takes for them to break through.
He's doing great at sleeping too. While in DC he started sleeping 7 hours minimum through the night and has progressed up to about 8-8 1/2. And, he still takes several naps a day. He is a sleeping machine. Grandad Liston likes to say he gets that quality from him.

2 Month Picture