Wow...what a month it has been. We can't believe that our little angel has been here for 5 weeks already. He and Mommy went in for his one month check up today and he is growing perfectly. He remains in the 50th percentile for his weight at 10 lbs, 4 ounces and the 75th for height at 22.5 inches.
We had some family photos taken for his one month birthday. If you are interested in seeing them, you can go to, click on "sessions" and enter "Gibbs". Once I am able, I'll try and post some of them on here.
We had our first outing over the July 4th holiday, as we travelled to Fayetteville, AK to be with the Ivey family (Les' Grandad). Tyler met his Great-Grandfather for the first time.
Here are some of our favorite pictures from Tyler's first month.

1 Day Old

2 Days Old

4 Days Old

8 Days Old

9 Days Old

9 Days Old

10 Days Old

14 Days Old

16 Days Old

16 Days Old

19 Days

22 Days Old

26 Days Old

28 Days Old

29 Days Old

30 Days Old

34 Days Old