Tyler Allen Gibbs
June 5, 2006
7 lbs 10.6 oz, 19.75 inHello Everyone. So, here is the story of our little Tyler's arrival. I'll try to keep it brief, since I know the pictures are the best part anyway.
We arrived at the hospital at 6 am, to begin the induction. Kerri was given her pitocin around 6:30 and Dr. Halderman arrived around 8:30 to break her water. After that, the contractions started to come on about every 5 minutes. At 9:45, it was time to for the epidural, as the contractions were coming much quicker and much stronger. Unfortunately for Kerri, the woman next door also requested hers at this time, and because she was very near her pushing stage, they started hers first. So, Kerri was given some nubain to help with the pain until they could get her epidural started. This took effect almost immediately and she was feeling much better. Around 10:30 the Dr. arrived and started her epidural. The Dr. was wonderful and did a fantastic job with the epidural. Kerri felt nothing until the very, very end, as she was given Tyler his final pushes out.
The contractions continued for the next 5 hours and at 3:30 she was ready to push. But, since her Dr. was still at the office with patients, they decided to let her "labor down" and see if Tyler would make his way down some on his own, so Kerri wouldn't have to push as hard or as long. At 5:10 Dr. Halderman arrived and the pushing began. Kerri's wonderful nurse, Laura, was a great cheerleader and promised she would have the baby by 7, before her shift ended. Dr. Halderman piped in that he would be out by 6:00. She was pretty accurate, as the last push ended with little Tyler arriving at 6:10 pm, weighing 7 lbs 10.6 ounces and measuring 19 3/4 inches long. Kerri only had to push for 1 hour and didn't complain of any pain during that time. She was more concerned that she wasn't doing a good job pushing, since she couldn't really feel if she was pushing. But, the epidural started to wear off at the very end, just in time for her to feel him actually come out.
Here are some pictures of Tyler in his first couple of days, while we were in the hospital. Thanks to Rachael for the great pictures we have of this wonderful occasion.