Sunday, January 22, 2006
Well...we told you we were excited to get started on the nursery. We worked on it over the Martin Luther King holiday weekend. It was Kerri's idea to do the stripe...much hard than we had thought. The fact that our walls were textured presented a bit of a problem, as the paint seeped under the tape (no matter how good we pressed it down). So, we (no, actually Kerri) ended up going back with a really tiny paint brush to touch up the lines. But, it was worth it, we are so happy with the final product. We still have some things to add, like curtains and some wall decorations, but we're on our way. We also have ordered the furniture.
Monday, January 16, 2006
It's a Boy!!
We had our second ultrasound in the middle of January and they confirmed that our little one is a boy. We were so excited before, but now, knowing what it is going to be, we are so much more excited. We can't wait to get started on the nursery and preparing for his arrival. We think he will be Tyler Allen Gibbs. Here are some pictures from the ultrasound. They couldn't get a picture of him being a boy, because he wouldn't stay still long enough. But, she assured us it was definitely a boy.
This is a 3-D version, but you can only see half of his face and a hand

Thursday, January 05, 2006
Christmas 2005
We travelled back to West Virginia for Christmas. We flew into Washington, so we spent some time with friends there too. While in DC, we went to see the National and State trees on the mall downtown.
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