But, I will say that I will try harder to NOT wait until 2019 to post again. I mean, I'll {almost} have a TEENAGER if I wait until then. Eeek!!
I have at least updated the header photo, the kid's sidebar images and their bios. :) You can read there for a quick update.
I'm not really even sure I can summarize the last four years, but let's try!
Tyler graduated preschool and started at Gravely Elementary School. He is now a second grader and fills his time with school, friends, Baseball and Lacrosse, both of which he really LOVES...and we love watching him. For Tyler this past year has been a year of tremendous growth (physically and athletically!) The fact that he nearly comes to my shoulders already and some nights eats like he is already a teenager makes me scared of what's to come!
Lucas started (AND graduated preschool) at Haymarket Baptist. He then began at Gravely Elementary School and is now a first grader. He has the same first grade teacher that Tyler did last year and we LOVE her. Such a blessing for this shy and anxious child to walk into the first grade of school to be welcome by a teacher who he already knew and had so much love for! He's still our little guy, but daddy and Pap keep reminding me that his growth spurt is coming. ;) He also plays baseball, but is showing signs of loving running (like momma) so we may try a local running club for kids this spring/summer.
Katelyn started preschool and will be graduating from their Pre-K program in
****side-note**** I'm getting up to have some lunch, let's see if I actually finish this. ;)
Hey...I'm back. About a week later, so I did have to edit a few of Kate's details, but here I am. Last week my mother and I attended the Mother's Day tea at Kate's preschool...they do such a great job with this tea.
They have been using the same backdrop for at least 4 years. Check out Tyler's tea...
And apparently I have the same taste for my "tea" dress. haha!
Well, I am going to go ahead and post this, so that it DOES get posted and I DON'T forget. :)